• Россия, Белгородская обл., Белгородский р-н, пгт Октябрьский, Комсомольский переулок, 17
  • info@agro-wheel.ru

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Personal information

The policy of the limited liability company 'Agricoles Belogorie' in relation to the processing of personal data.

    1. Confidentiality and security of processing of personal data is one of the priorities of the limited liability company 'Agricoles BELOGORIYA' (hereinafter – the 'Company').
    2. Your privacy is very important to us. Therefore, in order to perform the above tasks in the Society enacted a set of measures taken and local regulations are binding on all employees who are admitted to the processing of personal data.
    3. The present Policy of the company in relation to the processing of personal data (hereinafter the 'Policy') defines the principles, procedure and conditions for the processing of personal data of employees and customers of the Companies whose personal data is processed by the Society, with the aim of protecting the rights and freedoms of man and citizen during processing of personal data, including protection of rights to inviolability of private life, personal and family privacy, and also establishes the responsibility of officials of the company having access to personal data, for failure to comply with the requirements of the norms regulating processing and protection of personal data.
    4. The Policy applies to all personal data of the subjects treated in Society with the use of automation tools and without the use of such funds.
    5. This Policy has access to any personal data subject.
    6. This Policy has been developed in accordance with the Federal law of 27 July 2006 №152-FZ 'On personal data'.

      Legal basis of personal data processing is the set of regulations, pursuant to which and under which the company carries out the processing of personal data. These include the Labour code of the Russian Federation, Civil code of the Russian Federation, Tax code of the Russian Federation, the Federal law from 06 December 2001 №402-FZ 'On accounting' and other normative legal acts; the Charter of the company; the agreements concluded between the community and the subject of personal data; consent to the processing of personal data.

    7. By submitting your personal data during the authorization/registration on the Website, the Customer agrees to the processing for an indefinite period the administration of the online shop Companies for the execution by the company of its obligations to the Customer, sell them goods and services, providing them with background information, analysis, and improvement of the Website, as well as to promote goods, works and services of the company and also agrees to receive electronic communication.
    8. The company shall take appropriate organizational and technical measures to ensure the security of personal data against accidental or unauthorized access, destruction, modification, blocking of access and other unauthorized activities.
    9. In order to coordinate actions to ensure the security of personal data in Society, is responsible for organization of personal data protection.
    1. The website located on the Internet at www.kolesa-na-traktor.ru the website of the online store Companies, which provides information about the company products and services.
    2. Client – legal entity or physical person using the Website.
    3. Operator (operator) - the company, independently or together with other persons organizing and (or) carrying out processing of personal data, and also defining purposes of processing personal data, the scope of the personal data to be processed, actions (operations) committed with personal data.
    4. Personal data - any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (citizen) to which, in particular, include: full name, year, month, date and place of birth, address, passport data, data on family, social, property status, education, profession, income, data on health status, and other information as well as information related directly or indirectly to an identified or identifiable legal person, to which in particular applies to: INN of the organization, legal and actual, mailing address, telephone number, name of the person having the right to sign contracts of purchase and sale, the documents confirming this right, the data of the settlement account of the organization.
    5. Personal data processing – any operations performed with the use of automation or without use of such means with personal data including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, granting, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data.
    6. Cookies are pieces of information sent by a web server to a browser when you visit a Client. Society automatically receives certain types of information obtained in the process of user interaction with the Site. We are talking about the technologies and services, such as web protocols, cookies, web marks, and applications and tools specified third party. A cookie is a piece of data automatically located on your computer's hard drive whenever you visit the web site. Thus, the cookie is a unique identifier of the browser to the web site. Cookies enable you to store information on the server and make it easier to navigate in the web space, but also allow for site analysis and evaluation of results. Most web browsers allow the use of cookies however you can change the settings for the refusal of cookies or tracking their way of distribution. At the same time, some resources may not work properly if the cookies in the browser will be banned.
    1. The list of personal data to be protected in Society, are defined by the Federal law of July 27, 2006 №152-FZ 'On personal data' and other normative acts of the Russian Federation.

      The information constituting personal data in Society is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (personal data subject).

    2. When registering, the Customer provides the following information: surname, first name, email address, date of birth, contact phone number, password to access the Site.

      When ordering by phone the Client may submit the following information: surname, name, patronymic, address of delivery, contact phone number.

    3. The society processes personal data for the following persons:
      • employees, former employees, applicants for vacant posts;
      • persons with whom contracts of civil-legal nature;
      • Customers and counterparties of Society (individuals, individual entrepreneurs);
      • representatives/workers, Clients and counterparties, Companies (legal entities).
    1. The company carries out collection and processing of personal data for the following purposes:
      • personnel records and HR administration in the company;
      • enforcement of laws and other regulatory legal acts;
      • fulfillment of requirements of tax legislation in connection with the calculation and payment of the tax to incomes of physical persons and unified social tax, pension legislation in the formation and representation of personal information about each recipient of the income is taken into account when calculating insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance and provision;
      • the primary statistical documentation, in accordance with the Labour code of the Russian Federation, Tax code of the Russian Federation, Federal laws, in particular: 'On individual (personified) accounting in system of compulsory pension insurance', 'On personal data' and other normative-legal acts;
      • performance of contractual obligations, including warranty customer service Companies;
      • implement other activities in accordance with the Charter, current legislation of the Russian Federation.
    2. Personal data of a specific user used by the company solely to register/authorize the Client for the Site; processing sales Orders and to perform its obligations to the Client; to carry out activities to promote products and services of the company; evaluation and analysis of the operation of the Site; determine the winner in the shares held by the company; analysis of consumer characteristics of the Client and providing personal recommendations; inform clients about promotions, discounts and special offers through email and SMS; providing Customer services and accounting.

      The company receives information about ip-address of the visitor and information about the link with a Internet site visitor came. This information is not used to identify the visitor. The company also uses anonymous information for internal analysis, whose goal is the development of products and services Companies.

    3. The processing of personal data by the company indefinitely, unless other terms are established by the mandatory rules of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the terms of the contract (agreement) with the subject of personal data.
    1. Society as a data controller is entitled to:
      • to provide subjects ' personal data to third parties if required by applicable law (tax, law enforcement, etc.) or by contract (agreement) with the subject of personal data;
      • to refuse to provide personal data in cases stipulated by the current legislation;
      • to use the personal data of the subject without his consent in the cases stipulated by the current legislation;
      • to defend their interests in court.
    2. The data subject has the right:
      • to demand clarification of their personal data, their blocking or destruction in case personal data are incomplete, outdated, false, unlawfully obtained or are not necessary for the declared purpose of the processing, and also to take legal measures to protect their rights;
      • to request the list of their personal data processed by the Society, and the source, purposes and methods of processing personal data;
      • to obtain information about the timing of the processing of their personal data, including, terms of their storage;
      • to request information about persons who have access to personal data or which may be disclosed personal data on the basis of the contract with the company or under the Federal law;
      • to require notification of persons who previously received incorrect or incomplete personal data about all of their exceptions, corrections or additions;
      • to request the name and location of the Companies, the names and addresses of persons performing personal data processing on behalf of the Society;
      • to withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data;
      • to appeal in accordance with the law the wrongful act or omission in the processing of his personal data.
    1. The processing of personal data in the Company is made on the basis of principles:
      • legality of purposes and means of processing personal data;
      • compliance of the purposes of personal data processing with the purposes, prior defined and stated in the collection of personal data;
      • conformity of volume and character of process personal data, methods of processing of personal data objectives of personal data processing;
      • accuracy of personal data, their sufficiency for processing, inadmissibility of processing of personal data, excessive in relation to the purpose stated when collecting the personal data;
      • the inadmissibility of Association created for incompatible purposes databases containing personal data;
      • storage of personal data in the form that allows to identify the data subject for no longer than required by the purpose of their processing;
      • destruction on reaching the purposes of processing personal data or in case of loss of necessity in them achievement.
    2. The society processes personal data only in the presence of at least one of the following conditions:
      • the processing of personal data is carried out with the consent of personal data subject to the processing of personal data;
      • the processing of personal data necessary to achieve the purposes stipulated by law, to implement and fulfill the legislation of the Russian Federation to the Operator functions, powers and duties;
      • the processing of personal data necessary for the execution of the contract to which either the beneficiary or the guarantor which is the subject of personal data, as well as for the contract at the initiative of the personal data subject or of the contract under which the data subject will be the beneficiary or surety;
      • the processing of personal data necessary for the implementation of the rights and legitimate interests of the company or third parties or to achieve important public purposes, provided that doing so does not violate the rights and freedoms of the data subject;
      • the processing of personal data, access of an unlimited circle of persons to which is provided by the personal data subject or on request;
      • the processing of personal data subject to publication or mandatory disclosure in accordance with Federal law.
    3. The company is entitled to entrust the processing of personal data to third parties, on the basis of concluded with these persons of the agreement.

      The person carrying out the processing of personal data on behalf of the Society, agree to abide by the principles and rules of processing and protection of personal data stipulated by the Federal law №152-FZ 'On personal data'. For each person identified list of actions (operations) with personal data that is to be performed by the legal person carrying out the processing of personal data, purpose of processing, the obligation of such persons to observe confidentiality and to ensure the security of personal data during their processing, and includes requirements for the protection of personal data processed.

    4. In the cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the company is entitled to transfer the personal data of citizens.
    5. In order to inform the Society may be established and publicly available sources of personal data of employees, including directories and address books. In public sources of personal data with the consent of the employee may include his surname, name, patronymic, date and place of birth, position, contact telephone numbers, e-mail address. Information about the employee should be at any time excluded from the publicly available sources of personal data at the request of the employee or by court order or other public bodies.
    6. Society destroys or depersonalizing personal data when the purposes of processing or in case of loss necessary to achieve the purpose of treatment.
    7. The refusal of the consumer Society from the granting of consent to the processing of personal data entails the impossibility of achieving the goals of treatment.
    8. When collecting personal data including via Internet, the Operator is obliged to provide recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction of personal data of Russian citizens using databases located on the territory of the Russian Federation.
    1. This Policy is intended to embed information resources in public areas Companies.
    2. This Policy is subject to change, completion in case of new legislative acts and normative documents special processing and protection of personal data, and as needed.
    3. Control over execution of requirements of the present Policy is responsible for organizing the processing of personal data by Companies.
    4. Responsibility of officials of the company having access to personal data, for failure to comply with the requirements of the norms regulating processing and protection of personal data determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and internal documents of the company.
    5. The data subject is entitled to obtain explanations on issues of processing of personal data by contacting in person at the limited liability company 'Agricoles BELOGORIYA' (LLC 'Agricoles BELOGORIYA') or by sending a formal request by mail to legal (and actual) address: 308590, Belgorod oblast, Belgorod region, PGT.October, the lane Komsomol, the house 17.
    6. In the case of sending a formal request to the Society, in the query text must include:
      • Name;
      • a number of the basic document proving the identity of personal data subject or his representative, the date of issuance of the document and the issuing authority;
      • information confirming Your participation in the relationship with Society, or information otherwise confirming the fact of processing of personal data by the company;
      • citizen's signature (or legal representative). If the request is sent electronically, it must be in the form of an electronic document and signed with an electronic signature in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

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