• Россия, Белгородская обл., Белгородский р-н, пгт Октябрьский, Комсомольский переулок, 17
  • info@agro-wheel.ru

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LLC "Kuznitsa" our new dealers

LLC "Kuznitsa" our new dealers

In Moscow took place the official meeting of the company "Agricoles BELOGORIYA" with LLC "Kuznitsa", where talks were held on a business level. The meeting discussed important and topical issues of building a partnership development strategy, as well as upcoming plans and goals. There was a conversation about expanding the contractual terms and adapting to the rapidly changing modern market conditions in the agricultural sector in order to remain in the top positions.

Cooperation with more than 50 dealers of LLC "Agrokolesa belogorya" in Russia and abroad, as well as the quality of products provided, high sales volumes, timely deliveries and accurate performance of contractual obligations, honesty and openness of the company, became the main decision to become our business development partner for the benefit of our agriculture.

LLC "Kuznitsa" is one of the most priority organizations that consistently occupy leading positions in providing consumers with the necessary agricultural equipment.

We fixed the contractual terms with the official delivery of the dealer certificate.

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